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Impala (Black)

The Black Impala

Athletically-built medium sized antelope. The Black Impala is not a subspecies, but a color phase of the Southern Impala. Black Impala were developed by selective breeding; the color of the entire body is all black. Horns: Only the males have horns.

Open woodland with sufficient water – especially thorn, can also be found in more dense woodland along rivers, and on the edge of woodland and grassveld or flood plains. Water Dependant.

Grazes and browses. Gregarious; usually forms herds of 6-20 and even more than 100 in winter. Territorial males (only in mating season), bachelor herds and breeding herds can be distinguished. During the rest of the year territorial males join breeding or bachelor herds. Adult males establish territories during the mating season; they use communal dung heaps and scent-mark the grass and bushes with pre-orbital glands. Mainly diurnal and rests during the hottest part of the day.